Museum of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Čáslav

Let the Machines to the Work? Let Them Do It!

Let the Machines to the Work? Let Them Do It!

Exhibition ‘Let the Machines Do the Work? Let Them Do It!’ will present the development of agricultural machinery within the context of important Czech and international events.

Things do not happen in isolation and the development of machinery and technology is always linked to the development of the society as a whole. It is not only about the development of the agricultural machinery as such but also about finding new ways of using energy to drive machines. Do you perhaps think that agriculture is conservative, that it is an area where new ideas are slow to be accepted? You may well be wrong. Traditional does not mean outdated...

In addition to the history of Czech agricultural machinery, this exhibition will also present the history of entrepreneurship in agricultural mechanisation, an area that was in each historical period represented by Czech names and important Czech companies.

Let the Machines to the Work? Let Them Do It!